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2012 Season

Performance Tech Motorsports and Tristan Nunez win IMSA Lites championship 2012 with Electron Speed and a Motec ADL data system

Tristan Nunez straps in for the last race of the season on his way to clinching the IMSA Lites Championship. To learn more about this winning team visit Performance Tech. Electron Speed continues to provide engineering and electrical system support utilizing Motec products.

Al Lamb Honda is setting records at Bonneville Salt Flats with Electron Speed support and tuning for the Motec M800 ECU and CDL3 data system.

Al Lamb's 265MPH Bonneville Run - *AMA/ FIM Fastest sit-on Motorcycle In The World
(click here for a fullscreen version in a new tab)

Al Lamb Honda is setting some amazing international speed records with their 1 liter turbo Honda on the Bonneville Salt Flats. To become the "fastest sit-on bike" of any size, the AMA and FIM certified that they sustained an averaged speed of 262 mph on two consecutive 1 mile runs in opposite directions. Electron Speed is providing trackside support and tuning. Using the data logged in the MoTec ECU and Dash, we are now figuring out how to raise the bar out of reach of the competition.

bimmerworld and Freedom Autosport (Long Road Racing) fill the podium at Laguna in 2012 with Electron Speed and Motec (ADL3 and CDL3 data and PDM30).

There was a party on the podium at Laguna. Congrats to Freedom Autosport and bimmerworld for filling the podium at the Laguna Seca Grand Am race. As engineers, we may not have "partied" but we did have a sense of pride. All three of the cars were wired and supported by Electron Speed.

Bimmerworld wins at Indianapolis with help from Motec electronics and Electron Speed data analysis
For more pictures like this one visit the guys at

Bimmerworld was first (and 2nd) to the finish line at Indianapolis. Compressing the race weekend into 1 day requires a reliable and consistent team. As part of the Bimmerworld team, Electron Speed contributes electronics, tuning and data support. To learn more about this win and other recent news, visit the bimmerworld website.

new MoTeC M1 M130 M150 (direct injection) black ECU training includes Electron Speed
We are helping MoTeC roll out the new M1 series black box ECUs. We were 1 of 2 US dealers who flew to Australia for the training session. All of those smiles must mean that the teachers and dealers agree: the M1 will be an amazing unit.

Bimmerworld wins at Barber with help from Motec and Electron Speed
For more pictures like this one visit the guys at

The Grand Am season is a blur as well with bimmerworld as we speed to the podium at both of the first two races (beautiful Barber is pictured). Electron Speed helps bimmerworld get the to the finish line by providing a reliable MoTeC based electronic system, Bosch engine management tuning and data-based, engineering consulting. To learn more about this win and other recent news, visit the bimmerworld website.

Tristan Nunez wins Sebring with help from a Motec system from Electron Speed

Tristan echoes the feeling of the whole Performance Tech weekend as we showed our strength at Sebring: Tristan led the team to a 1st, 2nd, 5th, and 6th place finish in the first Prototype Lites race of the season with a strong field. In the second race the team finished 1st, 6th, and 7th with Tristan at the top of the podium again. For 12 hours of Sebring, Performance Tech had the second fastest car of the Prototype Challenge class with Raphael Matos at the wheel. It is too bad that a mechanical issue knocked us out of contention for a podium finish. Click the name for more on Performance Tech or Tristan Nunez.
Electron Speed provides engineering, data and electronics support. The car pictured has a MoTeC data system supplied by Electron Speed.

carbon switch panels as received by Electron Speed
Work in progress: turn these carbon panels into mission control.

Motec keypad integrated into a switch panel by Electron Speed
Mission complete.

strain gauge shift knob flat shift and throttle blip by Electron Speed

While this is not new technology it seems to be gaining popularity with our customers: sequential gear boxes with full throttle shift and blips on the downshift. It is simple, fast and proven. This functionality has been in MoTeC ECUs since the M4.

In this picture you can see a system we implemented with a Motec ECU, drive by wire and our shift knob sensor.

Green vertical marker: The driver is at full throttle and has reached the intended upshift point. He has taken up the slack in the shifting system (green, Gear Pos Volts). The shift force is rising (purple, Gear Shift Force). The ignition cut is kicked off (orange, Ign Cut Level). The RPM (red) starts dropping and the car is in the next gear at full power less than 100 milliseconds later.

Blue vertical marker: The driver is off of the throttle and has pulled the shift lever to initiate a downshift. The throttle is automatically blipped making the downshift smooth and consistent. The automated blip is seen by noticing that the green engine throttle position sensor is reading higher than the driver's throttle pedal.

The result was lower and more consistent lap times.

Current Sensors do measurements for Electric Vehicle motors by Electron Speed/Controls

Racing is not the only place that we take our products to the extreme. Through our sister company, Electron Controls, we supplied some large versions of our current sensors. From top to bottom these sensors are rated for +/-125, +/-550 and +/-1200 amps continuous!

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